An Introduction to the Hills Poly-Print Blog

The purpose of this blog page will be to profile the products that we manufacture, but also to keep you up to date with issues that surround our industry such as the environmental impact of carriers and more general topics to do with manufacturing in the UK.

We will also be following the progress of our two young apprentices, Cara (19) and Aaron (18). Cara has been with us for a few months now and came originally from the job centre for an 8 week work experience placement with nothing but a reference on offer! She made an immediate impact on us all and we offered her an apprenticeship straight away. Aaron has only been with us for a couple of months and asked to join our team after seeing how well Cara had done in a small piece a local paper had written about the success we had had with Cara.

Monday 13 February 2012

An Introduction to the Hills Poly-Print Blog

The purpose of this blog page will be to profile the products that we manufacture, but also to keep you up to date with issues that surround our industry such as the environmental impact of carriers and more general topics to do with manufacturing in the UK.

We will also be following the progress of our two young apprentices, Cara (19) and Aaron (18). Cara has been with us for a few months now and came originally from the job centre for an 8 week work experience placement with nothing but a reference on offer! She made an immediate impact on us all and we offered her an apprenticeship straight away. Aaron has only been with us for a couple of months and asked to join our team after seeing how well Cara had done in a small piece a local paper had written about the success we had had with Cara.

Please visit our website.

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